LSM has a vibrant, global network of motivated Catholics who are empowered to bring Laudato Si’ to life in their communities.

We work for an integral ecology based on 3 pillars:

Ecological Conversion

Deepening our Relationship with God’s Creation


How can we live more sustainably

Prophetic Advocacy

Denounce unjust policies and practices in response to “the cry of the earth and the poor” (LS 49).



What is Laudato Si’? What is Laudate Deum? What is happening to our Common Home?


Our Common Home and the Socio-Environmental Crisis


The Gospel of Creation. The Church’s Social Doctrine and Laudato Si’.


Bringing Laudato Si’ to life to build an integral ecology

Seed Project:

How could you apply this knowledge in your community?


Done! You are now part of the local and global community of Laudato Si’ Animators

Registration for our Laudato Si’ Animators courses is NOT open at this time. Please leave us your contact information in the interest form so we can send you relevant information about future courses.

Meet your coordinator!

Dr. Erin Lothes (USA)

Program Manager

Erin is an ecological theologian who holds a BA. in English from Princeton University, an MA in Theology from Boston College, and a Ph.D. in Theology from Fordham University.

Ana Paula Peña (Ecuador)

English Program Coordinator 

Ana Paula serves as the Movement Building Project Manager. She has a Multilingual Bachelor’s degree in International Business and International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.

Meet your coordinator!

Dr. Erin Lothes (USA)

Program Manager

Erin is an ecological theologian who holds a BA. in English from Princeton University, an MA in Theology from Boston College, and a Ph.D. in Theology from Fordham University.

Ana Paula Peña (Ecuador)

English Program Coordinator 

Ana Paula serves as the Movement Building Project Manager. She has a Multilingual Bachelor’s degree in International Business and International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.