Coming together to care for creation in Brazil
By Amauri Henrique Rosina from Brazil
Inspired by Laudato Si’, we worked to help Catholic schools join the integral ecological conversion from both a formative and pastoral point of view.
This project involves the 18 educational centers of the Foundation of Parish Schools of the Archdiocese of Barcelona (FEP) but is also open to other Catholic schools.
Together, we’re helping educate the future about how important it is to care for our common home and help bring Laudato Si’ to life.
We are taking the following pathway for this work:
- Presentation meetings in the pastoral commissions
- Distribution among the schools of prayer proposals and other materials
- During the Season of Creation, working with the Barcelona Justice and Peace eco-parishes to come together for this celebration and organize their events at the school level
- Work on institutional participation of the ecumenical celebration of the Season of Creation
- Launch of a blog with proposals, suggestions and material for educators, https://laudatosiedu.blogspot.com
- Conference for teachers “Ecological crisis and Christian school” to be given in cloister
- Distance learning course “Laudato Si’” for school teachers
- Proposal to create a Laudato Si’ Circle with teachers from parish schools of Barcelona.