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Are you looking for a way to Care for Creation and build a better world?

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Welcome to the Laudato Si’ Animators Community

Registration for our Laudato Si’ Animators courses is NOT open at this time. Please leave us your contact information in the interest form so we can send you relevant information about future courses.

Laudato Si’ Animators are members of the Laudato Si Movement, a global community of prayer and action, who animate their local parishes and communities to engage in ecological spirituality, sustainable lifestyles and advocacy for climate and ecological justice. Animators work to bring Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’ to life and care for our common home.

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

St. Francis of Assisi.

How Does It Work?

Stories of
Laudato Si’ Animators

There are increasingly more animators around the world inspiring us with their stories of spiritual and ecological transformation.

Learn more

Love is shown more in deeds than in words.

St. Ignatius of Loyola

Already a Laudato Si’ Animator?

Your story matters. Your story can and will move people to take action. Throughout history, stories have moved people in ways that mere facts or numbers simply cannot. Stories connect with us on an emotional level and make us want to take action and stay involved.

In order to truly bring Laudato Si’ to life and to care for creation throughout the world, it will take all of us taking action and telling our stories. Your voice matters. Thank you for sharing your story!

Laudato Si’, part 2: An ongoing dialogue of the signs of the times

Laudato Si’, part 2: An ongoing dialogue of the signs of the times

Keys: Apostolic exhortation in the spirit of Laudato Si' updates the landscape of care for our common home. Science has highlighted the deepening of global ecological challenges. A different economic, political and socio-environmental landscape in the aftermath of the...