Animal blessing in modern times

Animal blessing in modern times

By Rosa Mª Quero Pérez, Animadora Laudato Si’. On January 17, as every year, parishioners take their pets, usually to the Franciscan temples, to be blessed. The reason why animals are blessed on St. Anthony Abbot’s Day is because this saint is attributed with...
Laudato Si’ Animator Program in Hungarian is about to start!

Laudato Si’ Animator Program in Hungarian is about to start!

After a long preparation, the Laudato Si’ Movement together with Caritas in Veritate Commission of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference and the Canticle of the Sun Association are happy to launch the “Laudato Si’ Animators Training Program” in...
Creativity for Christ’s creation: everyone’s talents are needed

Creativity for Christ’s creation: everyone’s talents are needed

Laudato Si’ Animators Arlette Marais and Jane Overmeyer share much more than a friendship. They both belong to St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Church Athlone in Cape Town, South Africa, and their commitment to taking care of our common home has spread like wildfire...
Green funerals respect our loved ones and God’s creation

Green funerals respect our loved ones and God’s creation

The following article by Laudato Si’ Animator Virginia Bell was first published in Independent Catholic News. The article is part of the Animators’ series that turns a critical eye on common church practices to find greener alternatives. Green Funerals Green...
The heat is on in Spain!

The heat is on in Spain!

This community in northern Spain is afire as ardent Animator Florencia Baldazo and others get ready to celebrate the upcoming Season of Creation.  If you live anywhere near Medina de Pomar in the north of Spain, chances are you’ve probably seen or heard of Florencia...