Ecological conversion in the United Kingdom

Ecological conversion in the United Kingdom

Lenten course organized by the Laudato Si’ Animators in the UK Laudato Si’ Animators hail from all the different regions of the world. This story comes from the United Kingdom. Through Laudato Si’ Animator Virgnia Bell, we hear the experience they lived during...
We never looked back: How Laudato Si’ changed my family

We never looked back: How Laudato Si’ changed my family

Juliana Almeida By Juliana AlmeidaLaudato Si’ Animator, Brazil The desire to care for our common home has always existed in my life, but too often I didn’t take action. I knew how important it was, and I participated in some specific activities, but I wasn’t...
How one Laudato Si’ Animator found her place in creation

How one Laudato Si’ Animator found her place in creation

Laudato Si’ Animator Anna Maria Bianchi, Italy Before becoming a Laudato Si’ Animator last year, Anna Maria Bianchi of Italy was searching for a holistic spirituality, something that would bring together all aspects of her Catholic faith. “The ‘true’ answer to the...
An ecological conversion… that spans a lifetime

An ecological conversion… that spans a lifetime

The Merrimack River, a 117-mile river in the northeastern part of the USA. The below story was adapted from the December Laudato Si’ Resource. The spiritual resource is produced monthly for Laudato Si’ Animators, Laudato Si’ Circles, and everyday Catholics to use and...