I couldn’t find any Catholic creation care efforts in my archdiocese. That gave me an idea.
By Nicholas ColluraLaudato Si’ Animator, co-founder of EcoPhilly It’s a phrase we’ve probably said every week, or even...
Learning how to create ‘a home for all’ ahead of Season of Creation
Photo by Qimono on Pixnio“A HOME FOR ALL? Living the Oikos of God" is the title of an upcoming webinar to be held by...
Celebrating the graduation of new Laudato Si’ Animators
A new round of graduation of Laudato Si' Animators left us happy and full of enthusiasm. Young people and adults from...
Passionate about Laudato Si’: The Testimony of Mexican Laudato Si’ Animators
With the fifth anniversary of the encyclical Laudato Si', in 2020, the Mexican chapter of the Global Catholic Climate...
Ecological conversion in the United Kingdom
Lenten course organized by the Laudato Si’ Animators in the UKLaudato Si' Animators hail from all the different...
‘Laudato Si’ is the blueprint’ in South Sudan: How Pope Francis’ encyclical inspires care for creation
Fr. Tim Galvin, fourth from the right, has served in Riwoto since 2014.Fr. Tim Galvin stood back and watched as the...
Climate crisis overwhelming you? Here’s 1 research-backed action you can take today
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the climate crisis? The consistent barrage of bad news – such as more wildfires and...
We never looked back: How Laudato Si’ changed my family
Juliana AlmeidaBy Juliana AlmeidaLaudato Si’ Animator, Brazil The desire to care for our common home has always...
How one Laudato Si’ Animator found her place in creation
Laudato Si’ Animator Anna Maria Bianchi, ItalyBefore becoming a Laudato Si’ Animator last year, Anna Maria Bianchi of...
An ecological conversion… that spans a lifetime
The Merrimack River, a 117-mile river in the northeastern part of the USA.The below story was adapted from the...
A Catholic climate activist, by accident
“Kit” McGovern has helped youth and all people in her U.S. parish experience Laudato Si’.Mary “Kit” McGovern had...
Laudato Si’ Circles: a source of hope and connection in India
Alice Fernandes of IndiaBy Alice FernandesLaudato Si’ Animator, India “So loud.” Along with so many others, that’s...