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Welcome to the Laudato Si’ Animators Community

Laudato Si’ Animators are members of the Laudato Si Movement, a global community of prayer and action, who animate their local parishes and communities to engage in ecological spirituality, sustainable lifestyles and advocacy for climate and ecological justice. Animators work to bring Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’ to life and care for our common home.

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
St. Francis of Assisi.

The LSA program is open to all, with no fee, whether or not you choose to donate.
How Does It Work?

Stories of
Laudato Si’ Animators
There are increasingly more animators around the world inspiring us with their stories of spiritual and ecological transformation.
Learn more

Love is shown more in deeds than in words.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Already a Laudato Si’ Animator?
In order to truly bring Laudato Si’ to life and to care for creation throughout the world, it will take all of us taking action and telling our stories. Your voice matters. Thank you for sharing your story!
An ecological conversion… that spans a lifetime
The work was hard, but I came to see the connections between the products that I use, fossil fuels, and the face of those harmed by environmental injustice and moral loss. One of my friends said it best, “I will never see the world as I did before.” I feel my fourth conversion coming on… I have become a Laudato Si’ Animator.
A Catholic climate activist, by accident
Last month, Kit stepped up her activism by becoming a Laudato Si’ Animator. During the six-week training, she connected with thousands of passionate Catholics around the world and learned about the root causes of the climate crisis, as well as the key themes of Laudato Si’.
Laudato Si’ Circles: a source of hope and connection in India
I had been involved in the fight to save the environment since the late 1990s, fighting for mangroves around Mumbai’s shores. But hearing Pope Francis’ call to praise God with all creation provided a deeper meaning to this pursuit.